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LabCorp Test #: 511238, CPT: 81291

This test analyzes DNA to detect for the most common mutations in the MTHFR gene. These mutations could be associated with elevated levels of homocysteine. This evaluation could be helpful in patients who have been previously diagnosed or have a family history of cardiovascular disease or venous thrombosis. It may also be useful to test if a close relative has tested positive for these gene mutations. Since the MTHFR enzyme is involved in folate (vitamin B9) metabolism, those who have tested positive for MTHFR mutations may experience difficulty with the conversion of folic acid (synthetic vitamin B9) into its usable form and could experience worsened symptoms from ingesting the synthetic form. Deficiencies in the other B Vitamins, most commonly vitamin B6 and B12, are more likely in those with a MTHFR mutation. 

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