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Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential/Platelets LabCorp


LabCorp Test #: 005009, CPT: 85025

Complete Blood Count with Differential is one of the most commonly ordered tests for routine checkups and/or physical exams. A complete blood count with differential measures the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelet levels, hemoglobin and hematocrit. Many times this is ordered as a screening test, anemia check, or test for infection. The Complete Blood Count with Differential includes Red Blood Cell count, White Blood Cell count, Platelet count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, RDW, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Neutrophils, Absolute Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, and Basophils. This test can be used to aid in diagnosing and treating a large number of other conditions. Red Blood Cells are oxygen carriers. A percentage of these cells contain hemoglobin, which has the capacity to combine with iron. It's the iron-hemoglobin molecular structure that helps carry oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to your tissues in return and delivers carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be expelled. When this test results with low red blood cell levels, this is an indication of anemia. White Blood Cells (also called leukocytes or immune cells), help defend your body against infectious disease and foreign materials as part of immune function. Elevated white blood cells may indicate that there is an infection present. If there are low white blood cells, there may be difficulty fighting an infection. Platelets, which are also produced in the bone marrow are checked in this test. Platelets help stop bleeding from an injury by creating clots. If a CBC reflects low platelet levels, there may be more susceptibility to bleeding. High platelet levels could mean that there is an increased risk of internal clots. This test also measures levels of the protein, Hemoglobin. Red blood cells use hemoglobin to bring oxygen to the rest of the body and bring carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Low hemoglobin levels shown on a CBC blood test can also be a sign of anemia. Hematocrit, also checked in a CBC, measures the density of red blood cells in the bloodstream. A low hematocrit level can reflect problems such as anemia, leukemia, or other bloodstream disorders. Elevated hematocrit levels can be related to dehydration.

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